Nikkolas Smith & Pascha
It was a low-key, super snowy Valentines. My in-laws were in town and we all had brunch in the car from a local favorite. The thing is, we've been there so many times, I've had everything on the menu!
My husband and I were lounging and looking at social media and I came across Nikkolas Smith. We've decided to order a few things, because wow. Powerful stuff.
His activist art will definitely spark conversation.
If you're an artist or your child is, or you care about humans, check him out.
Later that evening with family gathered we tried Pascha Chocolate. It was eaten fast, but I prefer my barely dark chocolate with nuts and I'm not afraid of sugar, so wouldn't necessarily buy it again. After looking at their website, this is probably the only bar I would eat, as stevia in any form hurts my stomach.
If you were an artist what would you say?
If you are an artist, what are you saying?
If you are an artist, what are you saying?