Screenwriting with James Franco

Okay, the title of this post may be a little misleading - 
I'm not actually physically screenwriting with James Franco, though I wish I was and maybe someday I will (hope and hard work people!)
I am taking a class through Skillshare
Introduction to Screenwriting for Short Films and James is the "teacher." (Or is it Mr. Franco or does he have one of those names you always have to say together...) 
I paid $20 (a screenwriting class I can afford!) and my assignment is to write a 10 page screenplay for an 8-minute short film.
It must be adapted from certain source material of which I have picked Steinbeck's "The Pastures of Heaven", though I'm not yet sure which character I am going to portray. 
I just finished reading and I'm soaking in the goodness. I'm a fan.

I've listened/watched all of the "classes". Like all classes there is wisdom to ponder and tidbits to skim over. One thing they did repeat was they are looking for young talent...I I qualify... 
His table looks like mine - maybe we can be friends

Well, ready or not here I go.
Which character do have an affinity with?
Ever wish you could live in the "pastures of heaven"?

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