3/21 Cafe Turko and Walter Brueggemann

Some friends and I love eating Middle Eastern food together - we have lots of fun memories and silly stories to tell and this time wasn't any different as we dined at Cafe Turko inside of  Istanbul Imports in Fremont.
Rainbow Hummus - "regular", spinach, beet and yam 
I can't for the life of me remember what our main dish was called,
but it was so delicious and I ate way too much.

Then we had the pleasure of hearing a lecture from Walter Brueggemann. It was like drinking from a fire hose - so much good stuff and couldn't write it down fast enough.
"We are a world that is afraid we are not enough or we do not have enough. We ration grace."
What would it be like to trust in divine abundance? 
Experienced a divine abundance of hummus tonight!