11/3 Butter of Pumpkin

It was pretty regular around here today -
early morning run
kids off to school
play dates for kids
3rd grade musical presentation

uh-oh - nothing new yet -

But I stocked up for emergencies like this - 
- Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter -
it's like eating just the middle of an empanada!!
- It was tasty, but I have no need to buy it again - (I'd rather eat the empanada)
Tomorrow we will be smothering our toast with it - my kids are great sports for all this new pumpkin stuff and the good news is that most of it is soy free, so my son can eat till his heart is content!

Anybody out there tried/have Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses?
 I saw them advertised at Target but I cannot find them anywhere and I want to try them!

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