10/21 Blessing Card

When people feel comfortable, they STAY.
When people stay, they CONNECT.
When people connect, they ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIP.
Relationship cultivates INFLUENCE.
Influence will CHANGE LIVES.
(and this thought to be pondered is painted very artistically on the wall - I didn't want you to think I was that eloquent this evening)
And I felt comfortable in this coffee shop situated inside of Life Center 
Maybe because the barista surprised me with their "blessing card"
- Meaning my drink was on the house -
- and yep I felt blessed -
And the Green Tea Chai was tasty too 
(Notice I controlled myself - no essence of pumpkin - though I did try salted pumpkin bread later.....yum!) 

And the talent show was a success!
Katy Perry would have been proud
Been surprised by a blessing lately?

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